Saturday, January 7, 2012

Chicken killer!!!!!!!

 She is a pretty dog is'nt she?!
Recently this dog got into the chicken coop.(Mainly because I forgot to close the coop door. ) It killed 28 of our chickens!!! That is most of our flock. I found 2 runing around that were not injured, And 2 that  were. We are not sure who her,(Courtney found out that it is a girl) Owners are. we are going to take her to the humane society. At first some the kids wanted to keep her UNTIL, She chewed through: A half-inch lead rope,  The rope that is tied to her in the picture,  AND, her OWN COLLAR! Beside from that she managed to get out of a dog run!.... uh-hu, After that, We pretty much decided that nobody in our family wanted it! If someone comes to say that it is their dog we are going to charge them for the chickens she killed!


  1. She is pretty but not worth having around it sounds like. Really sad about the chickens.

  2. Yes, it is sad about the chickens. but recently our neighbors(the Hughs) came by and gave us a few laying hens and a couple of roosters!! what a blessing!
