Saturday, June 25, 2011

Latest flood pics

^general view of how high the water has risen^

^red gate closest to the river^


^equipment shed^

^front of chicken coop and into pole barn^

^behind the barn^

^behind barn again^

^water level on the back of barn^

^It's a good thing Bob tied the propane tank down, because it's floating!^

^behind the house^

The river is supposed to crest tomorrow sometime at around a foot higher than it is now. We are praying that we can continue to win the fight in the basement where the sewer keeps trying to back up. We are using as little water as possible as well as a portable outhouse we rented just for this "special" occasion! Ha! Hopefully this will be enough to get us through with no damage to the basement at all. That would certainly be something to praise the Lord for! I (Sheryll) just keep praying for God's mercy on us. It seems He has granted it so far, we just trust it continues. Thanks so much for all of your prayers for us. Although we are getting a little weary now, we have had peace throughout the flood situation and are so very thankful that we have not had it any worse than we have. We realize how blessed we are and we attribute that to the prayers of our friends and family on our behalf!

The Hughes' (Sid & Orrin's) houses

^ Orrin & Chantel's house^

^Orrin & Chantel's~ look how close it is to the top in the right side of the pic^

^Sid & Twilla's storefront^

^Sid & Twilla's house^

^Sid & Twilla's from the highway^


^Our hay field^

^The horses pasture between our house and the hay field^

^Equipment shed^

^Pole barn^

^Friends (& Trevor's) cars, campers, and backhoe lined up at the top of our property to stay dry^

^Barn & chicken coop^

^River side of the barn. The little silver gate here is the entrance to what WAS our garden^

^Red gate close to river. There is a pic of this in yesterday's post that lets you see just how much it came up last night.^

^Barn on left, tool shed on right^

^This is how close it's coming to the house. This side of the tall grass is Laddie's yard.^

This is as of about 8:00am on 6/25/11. We wil post more as things change and we are able. We have spent the morning today getting the last of the calves out of the barn and moving all of Trevor's chicks that he sells as "meat birds" to higher ground. It's been busy, needless to say.

Friday, June 24, 2011


^We don't have a lot of room for storage, so this is how we got some of the beds out of reach of the water (we hope)^

^We are taking a chance with the piano. It was free anyway and Bob does NOT want to carry it back up the stairs after getting it down!^

^Predictions say that this will be under water by a few days from now^

^water in the pole barn^

^what should be a pasture^

^this also should all be pasture^

^water up under the gate^

^this should all be dry ground^

This is pretty much how it's been for 2+ months. We will post again in the next few days as things change enough to see a difference.