Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bottle calves.

A few months ago we got 22 Jersey bottle calves! over the weeks they were getting sick and dying! so now we have ended with 4!!!! this is one of them. they are doing well exept one of them is a little weak. I bought one,Courtney bought one, and Dad bought two. One of Dad's is a bull and the other is a heiffer. Courtney's is a heiffer, and mine,(Tucker) is a heiffer.
 this one is mine.(Tucker) it is pretty healthy.
 this is Dad's bull. he is the most healthy.


  1. Sorry I have not blogged about this sooner!!

  2. So sad so many died. Did you figure out what was wrong so it doesn't happen again? That bull sure has a nice head. Really pretty! Yours looks pretty skinny but I'm sure you'll get him fattened up nicely. Are they for milking or eating? Well, I know the bull isn't for milking. Jerseys give really good milk and I wish we lived close enough to have some!
