Sunday, April 25, 2010

New bottle calves

We've been busy with springtime activities around here. One nice thing about the snow is that it covered up all the junk we still have around here. So we've been doing some cleanup outside. The upside is we've taken a couple of loads of metal to the scrap yard, and they actually pay us money for it! We've got a long way to go, but there has been improvement.

Tim fell through the front deck the other day and scraped up his leg, so Sheryll thinks it's time to do something about that. That led to moving the fence by the driveway, since the only way to get up onto the deck and to the front door was to come inside the chain link fence. Laddie's a pretty big dog, so most folks would rather not do that. So we're moving the fence so that the deck will no longer be in the fenced in area, and you'll be able to walk from the driveway up onto the deck and to the front door.

We're moving the manure from the corral to the gardens so that we can start planting soon. We're already behind on potatoes and peas, but at least we're still ahead of last year. :-)

I've been wanting to get some bottle calves in order to to use some of our excess milk, but the first time we went to the auction they went for quite a bit more money than I expected. So I wanted to try again, but ended up working for UPS the day of the auction. So I came home on break and picked up Trevor, and we headed to the auction. I dropped him off with instructions on what we wanted and how much he could bid up to, and he ended up getting us two bottle calves! The lady at the front desk told him they were heifers, (they don't make that clear when they auction them off) but when we went to pick them up they were both bull calves. Trevor said, "She told me they were heifers!" The guy lifted their tails and said, "Well she may have said that, but she was wrong!" Oh well, we'll keep looking for our future moms for the herd. It was funny when we went to pick them up, because I was still in my UPS uniform. The guy said, "Are you here to deliver something?" I said, "No, I'm here to pick up a couple of bottle calves." He said, "You're your truck?" and looks outside for the UPS truck. I said, "No, we're putting them in that back of that 15 passenger van."

Tanner wants me to blog about the leaves he raked up. When I moved the fence there were lots of last fall's leaves that had blown up against it. It was a big job to rake them all up and get them to the compost pile. The younger boys wanted to help, and they all started strong, but only Tanner stayed with the job until he got it all done. I was very proud of his diligence.

It was truly a pleasure yesterday when I watched Tyler and Trevor moving manure with the tractor bucket (they filled it with a pitchfork and shovel since the pile was too close to the feeder to pick it up with the bucket) while I repaired the electric fence paddock to get the cows to more grass today. It's such a blessing to have their help!

We have been meeting Sunday mornings with two other families for home church, and are really enjoying it. We still meet with the original larger group Saturday nights, but most of them are plugged into other churches on Sunday. So those of us that weren't attending a church are meeting together.

Tucker and I leave this Thursday for Minneapolis for the regional Junior Bible Quiz meet. That should be fun. We'll return either late Saturday night or Sunday afternoon.

Until next time...

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