Sunday, April 11, 2010


I let the kids sleep in this morning and headed out to do the chores alone. (More later on why that is now an option) It was a clear/still morning with the temp just above freezing. As I headed back to the house with the milk, it was not fully daylight and I saw movement in the trees about a hundred yards away. It took me a bit to figure out what it was, and then I quickly headed into the house for the camera. It was a moose and her calf walking right through our back yard just behind the fence. First time I'd ever seen moose around here, so it was an event for me!

The floor in the dining room and the entry way is now complete.
Since our last post, we sold Star. We started letting the cows outside during the day, and the second day we did that Sheryll said, "Uh, there's a cow in the front yard!" Not what you want to hear as you're climbing into the shower. By the time I got dressed and outside, she had herded Star out of the ditch by the highway and back into the yard. We got some grain and got her back in the barn. Granted, it was a weak/low spot in the fence that she jumped, but true to form she was the only one to jump the fence. We decided to advertise her for sale, and on the second day the ad ran, we sold her. We kept her calf and put it in with Daisy and her calf, and Daisy was kind enough to adopt her. So now we're not even milking Daisy, because the calves take all the milk! So we're back to just milking Bell, which really lowers the stress level at chore time.
Tucker and I just returned from the state JBQ competition yesterday, where his team took third place out of 11 teams. Courtney was too old to compete at state, and Tanner was in the "B" league and they don't compete at state. So just Tucker and I went. Now they have qualified for regionals in Minneapolis the end of this month. We're not sure how that is going to play out, yet.
Going to bed now!

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