Friday, May 15, 2009

New pets and farm equipment

We have been incredibly busy. We are moving, unpacking, burning trash piles, fixing up a shed, painting, cleaning and planting.
We went and looked at a milk cow this past Sunday. She's a Brown Swiss/Jersey mix, and if her pregnancy test scheduled for tomorrow is positive, we'll buy her. If not, it's back to searching. I had no idea it would be this hard to buy a family milk cow! While we didn't bring the cow home right away, we did bring home the gift that keeps on giving...a pregnant cat! Her name is Patches, and she's a very affectionate cat. Well, as long as your name isn't Callie and you're not fighting over food off the floor. It was just a small bite, though...
Also pictured above is Laddie. He was Bill's dog, and the family asked us if we would keep him. He's very mild-mannered collie and the kids all love him.
We're very excited about our first two pieces of farm equipment. We bought a mower/conditioner which cuts the hay and crimps it for faster drying. It is a 1973 New Holland Haybine 479 that we bought from a farmer about 100 miles north. We towed it back behind the van at 25 mph max...long trip! My Dad, Trevor and I went to get it, and it was a fun day. The farmer we bought it from was 81 and an absolute hoot. His father homesteaded his farm, arriving just before winter. He dug a hole and spent the winter in the hole with his dog. Now that's roughing it! The son was meticulous about maintaining his machinery, and as he said, "You'll run the wheels right off your car if you try to find one in better condition!" Then once we had agreed on a price, he said, "OK, now my wife will fix you some lunch." Great folks.
We also bought a 1977 Massey Ferguson square baler from right here in Minot that is in excellent condition.
Now all we need is a tractor!
Tanner has graduated to riding the Honda 50 motorcycle by himself. The other day he was giving Timmy a ride, and they came by me just cracking up. Tanner said, "I'm riding with my eyes closed, and Timmy tells me if we're going to hit something!" Good grief! Ol' stick-in-the-mud Dad had to put a stop to that game.
The farm is really greening up, so we'll have to get more pictures on here soon.


  1. Oh come on, Dad. Didn't you think Timmy needed another fat lip??? Amazing what they come up with. Can't wait to see you guys!

  2. Thanks for the update! It's so fun to keep up with your progress up there. I'm happy to hear of your new family pets!

    Oh man, boys rock.


  3. Awesome! I can just see Tanner doing that. Sounds like you guys are doing great. I really hope we can make everything happen so that we can come visit this summer.

    P.S. Nick wants to know if you've talked to Chad.

  4. Will you come visit us too, Linda?? Please????

  5. I love the Collie with the ATM shirt right behind! This could be a great Aggie commercial! Gig'Em Ags!
