Thursday, May 7, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Just a quick update. I haven't had time to download/upload (I don't know which it is) pics from the camera to the computer, but hope to soon. We have been planting potatoes and onions and painting inside the house to get ready to move in. By the time we quit at night we have just enough energy to MAKE ourselves shower and then we fall into bed. I will try to get some pics on soon!

We are having a lot of fun and loving life though!


  1. Unacceptable! Pictures or shower? Gosh, some people need to get their priorities straight! Juuuust kidding. Sounds like you guys are having a good time! That exhaustion at the end of a day spent outside and working is a great feeling.

    Hope to be able and come visit someday!

  2. Oh, sorry, didn't realize it would sign me in under that name. It's me - Jaralei!
