Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
All things Teddy
This post is a compilation of Sheryll's Facebook posts from Teddy's birth until Dec 22.
Sept 21, 2011- Theodore Zachry Paulson (Teddy) was born at
6:08pm on 9/21/2011 weighing 10lbs and 9 oz. He is in the NICU because he has a
condition called Posterior Urethral Valve Syndrome. Basically, there is an
obstruction which prevents him from peeing enough. He did pee (on the nurse :-)
after he was born, but his kidneys and bladder were still enlarged/distended so
they put a catheter in We are praying for his healing so that he can come home
with Sheryll. The doctor is not
optimistic. If it does not resolve on
its own, we will be traveling for treatment, as there is no pediatric urologist
in Minot. Other than this condition, he
is healthy, and we are thankful. Sheryll
was groggy but resting when I left the hospital. More to follow after I’ve had some
sleep! Bob for Sheryll...
Sept 22 - Hello friends! I wanted to update you on Teddy
this morning. The doc said that he went home last night and studied up some
more on Teddy's condition and they may be able to just do a procedure now that
will just fix it, but since our urologist here is not a pediatric urologist, we
have to see if he feels comfortable doing it. If so, we could be done here in a
couple of days! If not, it means a trip to either Bismarck or Fargo, more than
likely. Teddy looks very good this morning and the nurses are pleased with how
he is doing. Bob for Sheryll
Sept 22 - Teddy had a test today where they put dye into his
bladder to see how his urine is flowing. Unfortunately, there was evidence of
reflux (urine going from the bladder back to the kidneys) even with the
catheter in. The good news is that the urologist on staff here in Minot is
comfortable performing the procedure to fix the PUV. He will stop by on rounds
tomorrow and we will learn more. Sheryll got to hold Teddy in the NICU tonight
for the first time since his birth! She is feeling pretty good, and has not had
much for pain meds today. Hopefully she will be able to rest tonight. Bob for Sheryll
Sept 23 - Teddy is doing pretty well today. He had a little
formula this afternoon since my milk hasn't come in yet. They also put him
under the UV light for jaundice. We are still waiting to see the urologist who
is going to do his procedure. I am anxious to ask him some questions, so I wish
he would hurry up and come around. The pediatrician said that we are more than
likely looking at another week of Teddy being in NICU, but I will be released
tomorrow. We will just be coming up here lots to visit! Many thanks to everyone
for all of your concern and prayers! It means so much to us!
Sept 24 - I came home today, and had to leave Teddy at the
hospital--one of the hardest things I've ever done. Now I was going to go back
up tonight to see him, but I'm just not up to it physically. At least Bob went,
but I still hate that I'm not going. I will go in the morning, hopefully after
some good rest tonight.
Sept 26 - The pediatric urologist from UCSD who is here for
this week just called us (does this not seem like a God-thing in and of itself?
That this guy would be here in Minot, ND THIS VERY week?). He says that Teddy's
situation is more serious than we had realized and that saving his kidney
function is our first priority. This is not a one-time surgery and Teddy will
be all better. He will most likely require treatment for many years, if not the
rest of his life. He feels that a
different surgery where they make a hole in the bladder just under his belly
button is the best option. This may mean
that he never pees normally; they are not sure.
We are hopefully going to meet the doc in the morning to talk more about
it and look at exactly when we will do the surgery. Because Minot is not set up for pediatrics
much at all, he is not sure that the anesthesiologist will even be willing to
work with a baby as small as Teddy. So
that will be the first thing to get answered, I think. I will post more tomorrow when we have spoken
with the doc.
Sept 27 - We met with the doc from San Diego this morning.
He definitely thinks that a vesicostomy (an opening in the bladder made below
the belly button) is the best way to go for Teddy. He will have this for at
least a year; maybe two. We don't have a lot of answers beyond that. It sounds
like maybe they don't really yet either. We do know that it will involve trips
to either Minneapolis or Denver for follow up.
The surgery will probably be either Thursday or Friday. We so appreciate everyone’s prayer! God is good and He IS in control. We trust Him completely. Honestly, the hardest part for me right now is
just not having Teddy home with me! I
HATE leaving him there! I feel like I’m
abandoning him. And I worry that it
affects him. Thank you again for all
your sweet words of encouragement and your prayers! We love you!
Sept 27 - Sorry if it feels like we are out of control on
how much we are posting, but this is our best way to keep our family members
and closest friends who want to know the latest updated. So, with that said,
Teddy's surgery will be Thursday morning at 11:00 CST. I suppose with that
said, I can probably give our news a rest for a couple of days as there
shouldn't be much else to report until afterwards now. Like I've said before,
we are SO thankful for all of your prayers and concern. We love you!
Sept 29 - Today's the big day! Teddy's surgery will be at
11:00am CST. We so appreciate all of your prayers and support. We are comforted
by and have all faith in God who we know works all things together for His
good...HE knit Teddy together in the womb and I know He does all things well.
He didn't mess up here. I am just asking God now for safety through the surgery
and especially with the anesthesia. I will post tonight when we get home on how
everything went. Thank you all again! Much love, Sheryll
Sept 29 - Teddy made it through surgery beautifully and is
doing very well. Now we just need him to take the bottle and eat well so he can
come home. I think there is a chance that could be as early as Saturday if he
will get the hang of it. Thank you all SO much for your prayers and words of
encouragement this week! We have really been able to rest in the Lord and be at
peace concerning this situation. As far
as his future, he has a hole below his belly button that his urine will drain
out of for the first year of his life.
Follow-up is requireed every three months with pediatric specialists, so
we will be making trips to Minneapolis for this. We won’t really know beyond the first year
until we get there and see how his body is functioning at that time. Thanks again.
We are so blessed by all of you.
We love you.
Sept 30 - We saw Teddy at 11:00 this morning and he is doing
well. Still not wanting to eat, so he has the tube in his nose to his stomach
again. Tonight I will get his post-op pic posted. I took the camera this
morning and it needed new batteries, which, of course, I didn't have along.
They can't say when we will get to bring him home; just when he starts eating
all of his bottle. So that is our prayer request now. I can't say thank you
enough for all of the prayers!
Sept 30 - Hopefully they will remove the IV tomorrow.
Obviously, he will not be coming home tomorrow as I had hoped. That was the
incredibly optimistic plan. He is so sleepy, which I'm sure is good. This seems
to be how our bodies heal best, right? He did drink 11ml from the bottle
tonight before we had to gavage him. (Put the rest in thru his feeding tube in
his nose). I am hoping he will be a lot more awake tomorrow.
Oct 1 - The nurse did remove the IV line this morning. One
less thing! Yippee! She also said that she wanted to move him to a crib instead
of the warmer. Each step toward normal makes me so happy!
Oct 1 - Well, how life has its ups and downs. When we went
to feed Teddy at 8:00 tonight, he had another IV line in his hand. He has an
infection that the Amoxicillin wasn't taking care of. He did eat better for us
with a special bottle they have for cases such as ours. The nurse said that
this antibiotic is typically a 7-10 day course and that it has to be given
through the IV. We're not sure what that means for his homecoming. Although
until he gets the eating figured out, nothing else is an issue anyway. Thanks
in advance for continued prayers. Good night.
Oct 3 - Today has been an exciting day for Teddy. His
infection is gone so no more IV. He had his catheter removed and at 9:30 this
morning, he drank his whole feeding (70ml) from the bottle. When I went up at
1:30 he only drank 40 from the bottle and they said he only took 15 from the
next. We went up for the 9:30pm feeding and got him to take 45. So that is
still needing work, but we are down to that being the only thing! The doc said
that once he takes his entire bottle for 24 hours then he can come home. We
trust that will be in the next couple of days! Thanks so much for continued prayers!
Oct 5 - We are at a frustrating point with Teddy today. He
is doing fabulously other than the eating factor. I went up there 3 times today
to feed him. Twice he was wide awake and once he never opened his eyes. He
actually ate more for me when he was fast asleep than either of the other
times. Tonight I talked to two of the nurses who are beginning to share my
frustration about trying some different things.
There is only so much they can help me try, but they are going to have
the doc call mi in the morning when he’s there so I can talk to him about some
of the things I would like to try differently.
Please continue praying that we will figure out what works for Teddy and
get him eating in a way that is satisfactory to the doc so he will let him come
home! Thanks so much.
Oct 7 - I talked to the doc yesterday morn and he let me
come up and "room in" with Teddy and try things more my way. It was
great to spend so much time with him, but he still didn't eat. They didn't
gavage him this whole time just to see if he would get hungry...not! His temp
started rising while I was there though and by 0100 it was 101.4, so the nurse
called the doc on call. She said that Teddy needed to be back on an IV so the
nurse took him back to the nursery for the rest of the night At about 0630 when
I got in there, she said he had eaten a little during the night, but not much
and that his temp was 101.8. We are
guessing that at least one reason he is still in there is so that they can
catch these infections he keeps getting.
I’m sure we wouldn’t catch them if he were home. Maybe when we do get him home we will have to
check his temp regularly or something. I
plan to email the surgeon from San Diego and ask him if recurring infections
are common in these babies and what we might do to keep him from getting
them. Thanks so much for continued
prayers and your sweet words of encouragement!
Much love!
Oct 10 - Things are looking up for Teddy. He finished his
whole feeding twice last night (although he only finished half both at 8 and 11
this morning). But his blood-work is showing that the infection is gone and his
weight is going back up. His lightest weight was 9lbs. 7oz. He is now back up
to 9lbs. 15oz.!!!! We are so thankful for any and all improements! We are
getting closer to him coming home!!!!!!!!
Oct 11 - Our little one who seems to be so passive in so
many ways, sure has a mind of his own when it comes to his eating! He had a
pretty bad night last night. But he ate 42 ml for me this morning. He is awake
and crying quite a bit more now. I never thought I would be so happy to hear a
baby cry, but I had been saying that he wasn't getting his exercise just laying
there sleeping! His weight is also up to 10lbs. 1oz.!!! His bloodwork is good
so the IV may come out this evening. Have I mentioned that I REALLY want to
bring this boy HOME???????
Oct 11 - Just got a call from the nurse taking care of Teddy
today and she said that the Dr. wants to do an MRI of Teddy's head "just
to make sure everything's normal up there" since all of his labs are
coming back normal now, but he's still not eating. Obviously he is taking
longer than they expected too, so please keep praying that he will get it. I SO
want to just bring him home and see what that will do for him. I think we are
getting closer to just bringing him home AMA if they aren't ready to let us
give it a try.
October 12th - I had a conversation with the Dr. yesterday
and we decided that we would bring Teddy home in a few days with a feeding tube
with a plan to let him eat as he wants during the day and have a pump at night
that gives the rest thru the tube. However, this morning at 8 he drank 75ml! A
first for him! When I fed him at 11 he took 55ml. This is a much better trend.
Wouldn't it be awesome if he just started taking it all and we didn't need at
tube at all!? That's what we've been waiting for anyway! But, regardless, he
should be home Sat or Sun! I am SO excited, as you can imagine!
Oct 15 - I brought Teddy home today! Still with a feeding
tube and whatever he doesn't eat during the day he will get through it at
night. We are just so very thankful to finally have him home! We could still
use prayer that whatever prevents him from eating all of his feedings will be
healed or resolved, but thank you all so so so much for all of the prayers that
have been offered up on his behalf! We have been so blessed and strengthened by
those prayers!
Oct 19 - Teddy had a follow-up appt with the doc today and
his weight is up to 10lbs. 6oz. Even without eating all he said Teddy should be
eating! We have been still tube feeding him at night, but I am going to try not
doing that at least for tonight and see how much he will wake up and eat on his
own. He is doing great other than that and it seems to be getting better also!
Thanks again for all the prayers! God certainly hears and answers!
Oct 21 - Teddy update: Wed. I took him to the dr and he
weighed 10lbs. 6oz. I was very happy! Then that night Bob had him lying in bed
with him while I finished some work in the kitchen and the feeding tube got
caught between them and pulled out, so I decided that it was a good time to try
going without it for a couple of days. So Wed and Thurs nights I left it out
and just fed him with the bottle when he woke up. His dintake was down considerably from what
the dr wants it to be, but still today when the home-health care nurse came, he
weighed 10 lbs 11 oz!!!! Needless to
say, unless he really starts to lose weight for some reason, the feeding tube
is staying out. I am so thankful to have
him so normal!
Nov 8 - Hey y'all! Just wanted to say thank you one more
time for all the prayers for Teddy! He is doing absolutely great now! Eating
what the docs want and everything! Having him in the NICU for 24 days was very
hard on me especially as I hated leaving him there AND leaving the kids here! I
know that your prayers were a huge part of how I got through that time as well
as Teddy's recovery and the doc letting us take him home earlier than they
normally do! God is faithful!
Dec 1 - We could use more prayer for Teddy. We have been
trying all kinds of different things and he is still losing weight. He had been
gaining for a while, but then he just took a turn and has been going down. He
had been spitting up a ton, so we are changing formulas and probably about to
try raw goat's milk (this is what Carrie had to have). We are also trying to
pretty much only lay him flat if we're changing his diaper. Otherwise, he is
always upright. We are also going to have to go back to tube feeding him at night
to get his amount of intake up. I don't like this, but we have to do what we
have to do! Appreciate prayers! Thanks!
Dec 1 - So we have a chiro appt. tomorrow morn and I just
got home from driving 2 hrs round trip to get some goat milk. Praying these
things make a significant difference!
Dec 15 - Teddy had a weight check yesterday at which he was
11 lbs!!!!!! I don't think that I posted that last week he was down to 10 lbs.
6 oz. So this is obviously a GREAT improvement! We are so thankful to God and
to all of our friends and family for prayers! Goat milk seems to be the
definite answer for Teddy. He still spits up a lot, but the doc said that as
long as he keeps gaining like this, we won’t worry about it. He said the meds we woulc try for acid reflux
tned to have worse side effects than they are worth. So, we will just keep feeding him as much as
he will eat and changing our clothes 3 or 4 times a day. This is better than how things were when he
wouldn’t eat enough, at least. Praise be
to God!
Dec 22 - Took Teddy to the doc yesterday and he
is up another 2 oz! Now we can go 2 weeks between weight checks! Yay! Praise
Saturday, December 24, 2011
run-in shed finished!!!!
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Friday, December 2, 2011
Run-in shed
Recently we started building a run-in shed for the cows in the pasture. It is going pretty well. Dad bought a bucket truck and we have been using it for setting up the trusses. He has pretty much been working by himself because trevor has been working in town for a guy putting up sheetrock and painting. Every now and then Dad has me (Tucker) and Tanner come help him.We are hoping to get done before the real snow comes.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Latest flood pics
The river is supposed to crest tomorrow sometime at around a foot higher than it is now. We are praying that we can continue to win the fight in the basement where the sewer keeps trying to back up. We are using as little water as possible as well as a portable outhouse we rented just for this "special" occasion! Ha! Hopefully this will be enough to get us through with no damage to the basement at all. That would certainly be something to praise the Lord for! I (Sheryll) just keep praying for God's mercy on us. It seems He has granted it so far, we just trust it continues. Thanks so much for all of your prayers for us. Although we are getting a little weary now, we have had peace throughout the flood situation and are so very thankful that we have not had it any worse than we have. We realize how blessed we are and we attribute that to the prayers of our friends and family on our behalf!
This is as of about 8:00am on 6/25/11. We wil post more as things change and we are able. We have spent the morning today getting the last of the calves out of the barn and moving all of Trevor's chicks that he sells as "meat birds" to higher ground. It's been busy, needless to say.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The Great Flood
We experienced our first flood damage today. Went out to do chores this morning, and the water hydrants didn't work. Took the cover off the well and it has water in it over the pressure switch. The switch was fried, so I went to town to get a sump pump to get the water out. Of course, the water table is so high it's coming back in shortly after I get it pumped out. On Sunday, the kids took the canoe out and canoed over the fence in the pasture we call our West Point and out into the neighbor's wheat field. We now have lakefront property! The river is supposed to continue to rise and crest on Sunday.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Bathroom update/rollover accident
The bathroom is coming along. Everything is operational, and the taping/mudding is half complete.

Back when the toilet was in the middle of the room with no nearby wall to hang the toilet paper on, I designed this deluxe toilet paper holder. Alas, now there's a wall beside the toilet and no more need for this snazzy invention. How sad. Perhaps I should patent it and sell it on Ebay...
While I was mudding this morning, Courtney came running downstairs saying that someone had just rolled their vehicle in our front yard. We had a bad storm last night, and the roads are still icy, so I thought maybe someone had just slid off the road into our ditch. But no, a guy had in fact rolled his jeep into our front yard. Fortunately, he was OK.
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