We took Emily to the airport today and she headed back to Texas. Bummer! We miss her already. She sure was a blessing to us. Hard to believe she was here for almost two months.
The one Holstein we were going to "babysit" turned into two Holstein/Jersey mix cows that we bought. One has already had her calf. We came out to do chores this past Friday morning and there it lay, still a little wet but doing well. Not nearly as stressful as the last time, and he seems to be healthy. We started milking Mom, AKA "Star" yesterday. Now we realize what a calm, amiable, patient, longsuffering, kind-hearted, placid, etc. etc. cow that Bell is. Star is not. She drew blood on Trevor's hand when she kicked him while he was attempting to put the milk machine on her. Later we were trying to get her out of her stall, and Trevor was at least 3 feet away to her side. The calf was in front of her and he reached out to get the calf to move so we could get Star out, and...whack! She kicked him right in the knee. He expressed a desire to shoot her, but I talked him out of it. I was sure he was out of her reach, but we both now know how far a cow can kick to the side. She is a first-calf heifer, so I guess we have to cut her some slack. Wow, is Bell a good cow! The gentlemen we bought her from assures us that Star will be a great milk cow as well...she just needs training and we need patience. I sure hope he's right.
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