Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Still in the NICU

Carrie is still in the NICU. Her lungs and breathing are now fine, but her blood sugar is still low. They will slowly wean her off the IV as she begins to eat more. She's not all that interested in eating at the moment, which they say is not that unusual in a baby born 3 weeks premature. So we're not sure how soon she'll be able to come home, but we're still hopeful about tomorrow being a weak maybe, and Christmas Day a definite possibility.
Because of the H1N1 virus, they will not allow children on the OB/GYN floor. So the other kids can't see Mom or baby until they come home. This is the first time they haven't been able to see the new baby soon after they were born, and they are NOT happy about it. And to not even be able to see Mom is almost more than they can endure.
We're thankful for good friends who are already bringing meals and caring for our other children while I'm at the hospital with Sheryll and Carrie.
And just to add some interest to the story, we're being hit by a winter storm that could dump up to a foot of snow on us. Is this fun, or what?!

1 comment:

  1. This IS fun!! Thank you for taking time to update. We will continue to pray. Carrie looks like she already has a pierced ear! Wonder what she would have weighed if she'd gone full term. Look at the size of that fist!

    We love you and really, really hope you get to spend Christmas all together.
